11 класс

April 20, 2020

form 11-2, 11-3

1) Study the PP presentation on Belarus cooperation
    and answer the questions which are included in the presentation
2) read the text Belarus on International Arena and answer the questions
Your answers send at saalex72@mail.ru

April 22, 2020

form 11-2, 11-3

1) Be ready to talk about Belarus on the International Arena using the material from the previous lesson.
2) read the text about Belarusian Fashion Week on p.238-240, 'Green' Textbooks
and answer the questions:
1. What is the event aimed at?
2. What does BFW try to draw attention to?
3. Who are the majority of the participants of BFW?
4. What is the main purpose of BFW Fashion Study Centre?
5. What unique chance does the project "'Fashion Week - SHOWROOM" give to designers?
6. What is one of the main features of the contest New Names BFW?
7. What are the main tasks of Organising Committee BFW? 
You can use this Power Point Presentation to help you talk about BFW

Your answers send at saalex72@mail.ru

form 11-2,  April 23

1) listen to a brief report about tourist events in Belarus and fill in the table.
2) do the task Getting ready for Exams 1
Your answers send at saalex72@mail.ru

homework: Ex 2, p.96 (Workbooks)

 April 24, 2020

form 11-2, 11-3

1) read the text about the Festival of Arts on p.241-244, 'Green' Textbooks
and answer the questions:
1. When was the Festival born?
2. What does the festival logo represent?
3. What is the festival motto?
4. What is the main goal of the festival?
5. What kinds of events does the festival include?
Your answers send at saalex72@mail.ru

homework: Ex. 3, p 95 ( Workbooks)

April 25
form 11-2, 11-3

1. Read about Beraginya Art Festival in Oktyabrsky District ( Workbook p.95-96, Ex.3 )
    and fill in the fact file.
2. Use the information from the fact file to convince your British friends or partners to visit  
    Beraginya Art Festival 2020.

April 29
form 11-2, 11-3

1. Listen to the news reports which highlight Belarus` cooperation with other countries in different spheres( 'Green Textbook' p.246, Ex 2) and do the follwing:
a) Complete the nespaper headlines for these news reports ( Ex2b)
b) Answer the questions about the Scorpions` visit to Minsk
     - Who welcomed them at the airport?
     - Will it be their last foreign concert?
     - What are they planning to do before / after the concert?

c) Listen again and be ready to say which news items the statements from Ex 3b,p.246. are taken from.
d) What news report you that have just listened to, you are interested in? Why?

2. Write a piece of news that highlights the life of Ivatsevichi District to to your British Friend.
Your answers send at saalex72@mail.ru
April 30
form 11-2

1. Read an article on How to Become a foreign Exchange student ( 'Greem textbooks, p. 248-250, Ex. 2) and be ready to give some advice to your classmates who are intersed in a student exchange programe what they should do or be ready for.

2. Listen to some foreign students exchange stories and do tasks 3a and 3b p.253

3. Would you like to take part in such a programme? Why ( not ) ?
Your answers send at saalex72@mail.ru

4. Do ex. 2, p.98 in your Workbook ( Tenses Prtactice )


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