

April 20, form 10 1) study the PP presentation on Mass Media     watch the film about Mass Media and study its contents about MM 2) read the tex t abot Mass Media and answer the questions 3) do the exercise, part one 'April 13 ' Your answers send at saalex72@mail.ru form 11-2, 11-3 1) Study the PP presentation on Belarus cooperation     and answer the questions which are included in the presentation 2) read the text Belarus on International Arena and answer the questions Your answers send at saalex72@mail.ru April 22, form 10 1) Study the PP presentation on Nespapers in the UK 2) read the text about Newspapers in Britain 3) do the exercise,  part two 'April 1 5' 4) study the presentation about nouns use only in the singular or plural forms and do the exercise form 11-2, 11-3 1) Be ready to talk about Belarus on the International Arena using the material from the previous lesson. 2) read the text about Belarusian Fashion Week on p.238-24